REL is in the business of designing, manufacturing, and marketing of high power range of blast hole drills for mining, deep core drilling exploratory rigs, track drills for construction, and allied products for more than four decades. Revathi Equipment India Ltd, a drill manufacturing company owned by Renaissance group, was incepted in the year 1977 as Revathi CP Equipment limited the Indian Unit of Chicago Pneumatics USA with financial and technical collaboration.
The company was under the umbrella of Swedish multinational Atlas Copco for almost fifteen years, In the year 2002, the Delhi-based Renaissance group acquired the company. Since its inception REL has consistently, successfully manufactured and supplied more than 1250 drills of different capacities, delivering quality holes drilled safely and accurately at the lowest cost, delighting the mining giants in India and across the globe.
The company enjoys more than 50% of the market share in India. The customers being the world’s largest mining companies, Coal India Limited, Tata Steel, NMDC, Vedanta to name a few. REL has also sold a significant number of its drills to reputed mining companies in Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, South Africa, Serbia, Tunisia, USA, Zimbabwe.
It is worth mentioning here that we have designed and manufactured rigs to Bucyrus Erie (Present- day CAT) requirement (33HR, 35HR, 37HR) models with an Agreement license, and sold in their brand name for about 5 years throughout the world. Bucyrus Erie rigs 33HR, 35HR, 37HR rigs manufactured by us are working in the coal mines in South Africa, Phosphate mines of Morocco, Serbia, Australia, USA, and Brazil.
Our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation drives our ongoing and growing global presence. As an organization, we commit to apply our drilling expertise to help our customers achieve an overall lower owning and operating production cost. We are proud of the global acceptance of Revathi Equipment Limited as a quality company to do business with, and we welcome the challenge of providing successful drilling solution to our valued customers.
To be preferred brand that provides
value for money drilling solutions
across the globe.
To help bring Mother Nature’s
abundance to the door step of
humanity, by deploying frugal
REL has grown leaps and bounds in the past decade with a global footprint and admired technology that speaks for itself through sturdy technology and readily available technical support.
As our net worth grew multifold, REL believed in expanding its territories through successful implementation of efficient technology, availability of service support and parts readily across the world.
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